Happy Color
We partnered with mobile app developer X-FLOW to promote their #1 activity app that allows users to add color to their own individual worlds.

Expanding Awareness for the #1 Paint by Numbers APP.
Happy Color from X-FLOW is an extremely popular activity app for mobile phones and tablet users. With exclusive relationships with the likes of Disney and Marvel, their content is unmatched.
As popular as the app is, X-FLOW’s initial marketing efforts funneled primarily through Facebook had leveled off. After engaging us to lead strategy and creative, we helped them to better define their audience and their audiences’ media habits outside of Facebook.

Bringing color to a world of black & white
Dr. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology, would prescribe coloring books to adults as a therapy for anxiety. Our strategy was to help our audience destress and create a more peaceful mental space for themselves by self-prescribing Happy Color as an antidote for the unnerving news.

To deliver a targeted media strategy, we collaborated with media partner Exverus to craft a plan that runs placements via web, digital, and news channel broadcasts.
Ads on these media placements offered an escape from the doom and gloom of the news through the optimistic impact of adding color and beauty to one’s life experience. In essence, offering a pathway to escape stress and anxiety. Creatively we brought this to life by turning the world into a monotone canvas and then bringing it to life through touches of color that would transform the dull to vibrant and full of life.